🟢⚫️Girl's Wrestling Gear is now available!🔴⚪️ Order online at https://wheelergirlswrestling2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/ The Wolves are excited to partner with the Audubon Wheelers again to bring this program to our female athletes at the MS and HS levels!
4 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Good morning IKM-Manning Wolves! The Fine Arts Boosters invite you to attend tonight’s varsity football game as the Wolves take on AC-GC and the marching band performs at half-time! We have delicious food options in the concession stand and are now accepting credit card payments. Game time is 7:00pm. Here is the menu for tonight: Pork Loin Sandwiches (donated by Josh & Jenny Linde Farms) ($6) Rib Sandwiches ($5) Hamburgers ($4) Hot Dogs ($3) Mac N Cheese ($3) Nachos ($3) Popcorn ($1) Candy ($2) Jumbo Mr. Freeze ($1) Beef Sticks ($1) Peanuts ($1) Dill Pickles ($1) Chips ($1) Pop & Gatorade ($2) Water ($1) Hot Chocolate ($1) Thank you in advance for supporting the IKM-Manning Fine Arts Boosters! Go Wolves!
4 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
The IKM-Manning High School Student Council is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, October 18, from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM in the high school gym. If you would like to give the gift of blood, please sign up at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=IKMMsaves You can also call the high school office at 712-655-3781 to schedule an appointment. The Red Cross is in critical need of blood and every donation helps save lives. Thank you.
4 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Red Cross
The Sacred Heart Community Closet, in partnership with the IKM-Manning Middle School Student Council, is collecting NEW socks for all ages. Donation boxes can be found in each building through October 18. Thank you in advance for your donations!
4 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
IKM-Manning made it to the finals of the Iowa Healthiest State Mascot Challenge! We need your help to win it all! Vote by Wednesday at https://woobox.com/mzbix7. Don't forget to enter your e-mail address at the bottom of the voting page. Feel free to share this message with friends and family. Go Wolves!
4 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
The IKM-Manning After Prom is continuing its Kid Captain fundraiser. The next volleyball Kid Captain will be on October 3, and football will be on October 4. Please have entries in by noon on October 1. Check out the attached flyer for more information and instructions on how to pay through Venmo. Go Wolves!
4 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
IKM-Manning has reached the FINAL FOUR in the Iowa Healthiest State Mascot Challenge! Help us win by going to this link to vote: https://woobox.com/mzbix7 You can only vote once per round per email address. Don't forget to put your e-mail address at the bottom of the voting page. Please vote now and share with your friends and family! Go Wolves!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
The cross country meet at Tri-Center will be held at Quail Run Golf Course near Neola. 29512 285th Street. Admission for spectators will be $5/vehicle. Digital tickets are required and available on Bound. They will not be accepting cash. They will have a card reader. Order of events 4:30 HS Boys, 5:00 HS Girls, 5:45 Junior High. Thanks and Go Wolves!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
🏐🩷The volleyball Pink Out event will be held on October 3.🩷🏐 Get your Coaches vs Cancer gear at https://ikmcoachesvcancer.itemorder.com/shop/home/ The deadline is Tuesday, so order soon! All funds raised from shirt sales will be donated to the American Cancer Society. A bucket will also be passed at the volleyball game for cash or coin donations. Thank you!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
All IKM-Manning students will have free admission to the football game tonight. Please remember that all students in 3rd grade and under must be seated with an adult. Go Wolves!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Order your IKM-Manning FFA gear by October 6 at https://ikmmanningffa20242025.itemorder.com/shop/home/
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Click here to view the September Wolf Pack News! https://secure.smore.com/n/24xj5
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
The IKM-Manning Athletic Booster Club has extended the deadline for new members to join. If you are interested in supporting Wolves Athletics, please see the attached flyer. You can also follow their Facebook page by searching IKM-Manning Athletic Booster Club . Go Wolves!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
The IKM-Manning After Prom is continuing the Kid Captain fundraiser for 2024-2025. The first volleyball opportunity will be on September 12 and the first football game will be the Homecoming game on September 20. The attached flyer has all the information you need to enter to win, including a Venmo account for easy payment! Go Wolves!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
This is a friendly reminder that we will have our first early dismissal Wednesday tomorrow. The Irwin building will dismiss around 12:40 and the Manning building at 1:00. The next early dismissal will be September 18. Thank you!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
⚫️Join the Wolf Pack🟢 IKM-Manning is looking for a caring individual to be a paraeducator in the preschool classroom in Manning. This is a part-time position with no work on Wednesdays. If you would like to learn more, contact Principal Shelly Christensen in the Irwin building at schristensen@ikm-manning.k12.ia.us or call at 712-782-3126 .
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
The school is inviting all students, staff and community members to make their Fridays a black/green day to show school spirit! We hope you will join us all school year long. Go Wolves!
5 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Good Evening, Deadlines are coming soon on a handful of online clothing stores so we wanted to share the links one more time. *IKM-Manning Athletic Booster Club Store-Closes TOMORROW-https://ikmmbooster24.itemorder.com/shop/home/ *IKM-Manning Fine Arts Booster Club Store-Due August 28 https://ikmmanningfinearts.itemorder.com/shop/home/ * Wolves Cross Country Store-Closes August 29- https://ikmmxc2024.itemorder.com/shop/home/ * After Prom Homecoming Shirts-Closes September 6 (New Closing Date) https://ikmmpromfundraiser24.itemorder.com/shop/home/ Thank you for supporting the Wolves!
6 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Good Morning, Homecoming at IKM-Manning will be held on Friday, September 20. The after prom committee is selling class shirts that can be worn that week. Shirts are optional and 4th and 5th grade would be considered part of the middle school. The link to order can be found at https://ikmmpromfundraiser24.itemorder.com/ The store closes on Friday, August 30.
6 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD
Order Wolves cross country gear here! The online store closes on August 29. https://ikmmxc2024.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
6 months ago, IKM-Manning CSD