IKM-Manning Families,
I want to remind everyone that WINTER IS COMING. Please make sure you have plans B, C and D in place if/when we have to have late starts, early dismissals or no school because of the weather. Please remember that our district covers a ton of area, so your street might look fine but someone else on the other side of the district may be unable to get out of their driveway. I will make the best decision given the information I have, and the only thing I can guarantee is that I am human and will call school someday when we could have had it. Additionally, as parents, you always have the final say on if you want your child to be on snowy roads. All we ask is you let us know if your child won't be here--because we do worry and some days we worry A LOT!
Weather related announcements will be communicated through text messages, app notifications, Facebook, and local radio stations. The IKM-Manning CSD app can be found in the Apple App Store and Google Play.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at ahuseman@ikm-manning.k12.ia.us
Thank you,
Dr. Angela Huseman
IKM-Manning Superintendent